Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Open Your Heart

"The human heart, at whatever age, opens only to the heart that opens in return," stated Maria Edgeworth, a 19th-centurty writer. And certainly we have each experienced, from others or within ourselves, a closed heart. It is difficult to remain open because of the trust that is required from both sides. This element of trust we must have toward our fellow man is an important lesson and challenge we all face. Our life is built on trust in many small ways. Opening up to someone is one way to practice the trust we must feel for God and Christ.
To open one's heart does not mean complete exposure of all we are to everyone we meet. Instead, it means being friendly, ready to talk, smiling and inviting. In its purest form it means showing respect and concern to others. The Scriptures tell us that we will reap as we sow (Galatians 6:7). And truly, when we open our hearts to others with wisdom and discretion, they will come toward us. Give trust a try.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


A sombre look
A sudden replacement of errotic gyration
Time up. No.
Rock me till death
Firm full lips
Eyes shut
Mw thought we guilty.
Guilty of uncontrolled devotion,
Commission to passion
What can we do to resist ourselves?
can the snail be separated from its snail? No !
Neither can the tortoise path ways with its bark
Where ever Igbin travels, its home follows it

I shoot my gun your net catches it 2/4

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Groom By Wolves

A pack of howling wolves are they,
Roaring, groaling, basking in prowess

Wolves, Mama, Papa, sis, Uncles and cous
Now and then they come in flying gowns,
skin tight, starched maskara, milking, winning

An yet re-group, howling, cooing wolves.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Left in the cold

January '96 (for Bimpe)

A tearing soul
Severed from mother world
Painful, yet, a part so familiar
Heartless, helpless counterpart
Of seven miles stones abruptly paired
In seven ticks

A heart longs, longing the affluence in the mist of haven't
On the mount top, he dot stand
cooing the world,
His struck heart of cupid arrow
the living wound

Begone oh! wild beast of forgoten soul
She doth, left at prime when harvest due
The land for culture
Him, a lost heart, woe unto love
Thy exposure bringeth bitterjoy
a sour pill of anopheles victim shivering of
Cold from Cu[id of everest
A struck arrow, dagger stuck, sword pierce
Away thy forshaken parts
Wish thy part never cross
Queen of stolen heart

Stony black, lumpsum lips
yet does he call her enigma
mourning sunflower
Cream flesh, stout leg
A sunken heart, aloof among peers
Her Universe she reigneth
An he though dream her rule
Nay the horsepower knelt by the foot of amazon
she doth left, breathless, heartless
Single soul of his world
Escaping with forgiveness.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Dream and Do

I have read a lot about men who have dreams but never bring them to reality. I have also read about men who have transformed the world with their dreams, Albert Eistein, Bill Gate, Abraham Lincon, Nelson Mandela, Bob Marley, Fela Kuti just to mention few names but then it is not enough to say, "I have a dream" like Martin Luther King Jnr. Such a statement is a good start, but gets us nowhere fast unless it is followed by action. A large part of achieving the things we want in life depends on establishing a clear goal (dream) first—then going after it with all our might.
Some people say that they have faith, which is enough. But James made it very clear that "faith without works is dead" (James 2:26). We can dream about God's Kingdom (and should), but if we do not follow up with humbly seeking the path to salvation, we are left with nothing. Dreams are not enough, back it up with action. lastly, may I ask where you will want to be by this time next year, two years, three years, five years time? Have a clear goal. To lie down resign to fate means madness, not to do something is to be cripled fast said my teacher; Ola Rotimi, Professor of Dramatic Arts Obafemi Awolowo University Ile Ife.